
Friday, April 29, 2011

Backyard happenings

Today dawned beautiful!!! Just love it when the sun comes out after a few days of poor weather. I think this year is going to have a short Autumn, as I'm sitting here typing this at 8am and my toes are still frozen!

I was going to plant the garlic yesterday, but as you can tell it was raining pretty much all day. So today I will be planting the garlic. Garlic has so many uses, not just for cooking with. You can use it medicinally for coughs and colds, but I've just recently learnt that I can mash up a clove and give it to my chickens. This gets rid of their intestinal bugs & worms. I think this is great. As i'm not keen on giving the girls chemicals to try & keep them healthy. Defeats the purpose really giving them chemicals. Can't be too healthy with those.

Clarabel (RT) & Annie (LFT)

Annie & Clarabel are also getting big now. They aren't the little fluff balls I bought home from Joshua's kindergarten. They have proper feathers on 90% of their bodies. They are in their ugly stage. :) Personalities have also developed, with Clarabel being the winner on attitude. She certainly rules that roost. Annie is so laid back & mellow.

Other things needing to be done......
1. Go next door and ask if I can severely prune back a tree that is coming over the fence, this tree is the bane of my existence! It's growing over the shed & patio. Blocking up both gutter pipes.

2. Clear away the branches of said tree that I have already cut down.

3. Do some more cross stitch. I have a gift I am stitching, and because this person's b'day is coming up soon, I need to get a wriggle on.

4. Complete Joshua's B'day invitations. His birthday is next Tuesday! OMG I'm so forgetful! Thank the heavens he only wants 4 other people to come to his party, and they are all close friends.

I'm sure I could think of heaps I have to do but probably be hear all day listing them. These 4 are top most on my list of extra activities, outside of course of everyday chores.

What is on your list of things to do?
Take Care
The Williams 3

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