
Thursday, February 17, 2011

Book Review- Harry and his bucket full of Dinosaurs

When Harry helps Nan to clear out the attic he makes a wonderful discovery - dinosaurs!
He carefully fixes, washes and unbends them all and from then on they go everywhere with him in a bucket. Then one day his beloved dinosaurs get lost!
How will Harry prove to the Lost Property Man that they are really his?

Harry and His Bucket Full of Dinosaurs is a series of children's books written and drawn by Ian Whybrow and Adrian Reynolds. The series is about a 5-year-old boy named Harry, who has a bucket full of dinosaurs. In the books the dinosaurs talk to Harry but seem to be toys to the other characters. The other main characters are Mum, Nan, Harry's best friend Charlie, and Harry's sister Sam.

Of course at toddler age both boys & girls find dinosaurs fascinating! Joshua loves this series of books, and also watching the tv shows, which you can watch free online. there are two seasons to the tv program so far. It's great for young ones and problem solving strategies, so give it a try.
Keep Happy
The Imagination Team

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Vegemite Pasta

Today I copied a recipe for marmite pasta from Nigella Lawson's new book Kitchen.

I love Nigella Lawson, she is the epitome of a beautiful curvy woman who loves food & also loves to cook.When I read this recipe I thought to myself "how gross" but Joshua was making for a trying afternoon today so instead of fighting another dinner battle I decided to give it a try. Well the photo below says it all. :)

Here is the recipe

Angel hair or fettucini pasta
equal amount of Vegemite/marmite and butter/margarine ( We used about a teaspoon of each)

Cook pasta till al dente
After draining the pasta, reuse the pot to melt the equal amount of Vegemite & butter
When sauce is melted down & thoroughly mixed, pour over pasta & toss lightly

Serve :)

It's that easy, I love it.

Keep Happy
The Imagination Team

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Chalk Family

Joshua had a fun lesson in chalk. It was family day at kindergarten and so when we got home, I continued on with the theme, but made it extra fun with chalk. Being as hot as it was, outside under the cool patio was lovely.

We got everyone in our family to lie down on the patio, I drew an outline with chalk, and then Joshua had to color/fill it in according to what he thought they looked like. He needed to figure out if they needed a skirt (girl) or shorts (boys), what type of hair they had etc. Some of these additions proved harder for him to figure out then others, eg: the shorts/skirts.

We had a ton of fun, adding extra things such as Narla the cat, the goldfish and his fav characters at the moment Wall E and Eva. Joshua just didn't want the game to end. It lasted us at least an hour, then all we needed for clean up was the hose :) Simple, easy & cheap as the bucket of Jumbo chalk only cost me $2 at our local discount store.

Keep Happy
The Imagination Team


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