
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Surprises when your not looking for them

Today I was going around doing my list of chores. Shockingly I was quite happy doing them for once lol.

I was up to the chicken hutch. I wanted to move it to another patch of fresh grass & do a tidy up of the girls things. I was refreshing the water when I noticed these................

Garlic! YAY! I had completely forgotten about them being right under the tap. I have also been super busy with work, so a simple thing like when I planted the garlic, easily escapes my mind :)

The girls looked at me funny while I managed a mini happy dance :) They are so massive now, I have never kept chickens before, I find it completely fascinating to watch the different stages of their growing period. It is true though they do go through an ugly stage. The girls have just passed that stage, Clarabel is giving us the worries though. She has me thinking that she could actually be a he. Fingers crossed that Clarabel remains a she & doesn't turn into a he :)

Annie (LT) & Clarabel (RGT)

I have a lot on my plate at the moment. I'm trying to sort out this household again. With me going back to work (spending quite a lot of time there actually) family turns and the rest of everyday life, this home has gotten into quite a different run. I must say, I DON'T LIKE THE NEW ROUTINE!!!! I know I can't go back to the old routine, but I am not happy where we are now. I am not handling it very well either. I felt as though I was having a melt down last week. I distinctly remember lying on my bed, bawling my eyes out, and not knowing what I was crying about. Nothing was doom & gloom, the bills were payed, Joshua was fed, playing a happily in his room. I even had money left over to do/get things of luxury if I felt the need. Instead of loving it, I was crying, like I was told I had to have my arm removed. RANDOM!!! Hopefully my equilibrium returns soon. :)

The day is lovely, it's shining, there is a lovely cool breeze & I have no chores left. Joshua still has an hour & half left of kindergarten. I think I might just go out the back yard & sit on a blanket & saver the sunshine :)

Take care
Christine Williams

Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's day

Mother's day came and went with a flurry at our home. Not only was it an early rise for me, I also had to go to work from 7am. I had the breakfast/lunch shift. Yep, that's right, all day at work. We ended up serving 184 for breakfast and 70 for a set lunch. The only word I can describe it with, is HETIC! As our restaurant manager says, it was the busiest Mother's day since he's been there & he has been there 7 yrs to date.

For my mother's day gifts I received these cute earrings made by Joshua while he was at kindergarten. The card was also made with a surprise photo of him. I found out that when they were getting their class photo's the photographer also took these lovely shots of our children.

I had a lovely day, all things considered, and even though I wasn't overloaded with gifts like I know some mothers expect. I love the effort that my little man went to to make mine, because it's easy enough for him to not want to at his age. Happy Mother's Day to all the mother's/carers out there.

Christine Williams.


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